19.06.2019 FB Kolloquium: Similarity effects in sentence comprehension: the role of memory encoding 27.06.2019
17.06.2019 Vortrag: Grammatical encoding in speech production: insights from the gender congruency effect 24.06.2019
15.06.2019 Vortrag: How to fill the prefield in Icelandic: the diachrony of Stylistic Fronting and expletives 18.06.2019
17.05.2019 Workshop: Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop 34 (CGSW 34) 14.-15.06.2019 The workshop is a forum for dealing with all aspects of comparative Germanic syntax.
05.05.2019 FB Kolloquium: PRO as a radically underspecified pronoun: Evidence from German, Icelandic, and Russian 13.06.2019
04.05.2019 Workshop: Expressing Evidence 06.-08.06.2019 In this workshop, we want to bring together researchers working from different angles on how natural language expresses evidence.