Fachbereichskolloquium: When uno (‘one’) is the speaker: on the values of the determiner uno in Spanish

Donnerstag, 20. April 2023
11:45 bis 13:15 Uhr

G 307

Veranstaltet von
Fachbereich Linguistik

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
María del Pilar Pérez Ocón (Universidad de Alcalá)

In this talk, we will show that the arbitrary reading of the determiner uno (‘one’) in Spanish (Uno no debe mentir 'One should not lie') has a different syntax from the concealing reading (Uno lo hizo por amor 'One did it for love'), as proposed in RAE-ASALE (2009: 15.8o; Gómez Torrego 1992).
