Processing and Production in Heritage Speakers

About the ProHeritageSpeakers Project 

Heritage languages are learnt at home and differ from the predominant language in the community. A "heritage speaker" is someone who speaks this language. In the ProHeritageSpeakers project (Processing and Production in Heritage Speakers: The Role of Disambiguating Cues), we focus on Romanian as a heritage language in Germany and in the UK and investigate the influence that the dominant community language (German or English) has on heritage language outcomes. Our aim is to:
(i) find out how heritage language interacts with and influences real-time heritage language comprehension and production in multilingual children and adults, and
(ii) determine whether certain aspects of heritage language grammar are more susceptible than others.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101026216.