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Artikel in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften, Sammelbänden und Konferenzschriften
Braun, B. & Zahner, K. (2018). The distribution and prosodic realization of verb forms in German Infant-Directed Speech. 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Miyazaki, Japan. Gwinner, A., Gaglia, S. & Grijzenhout, J. (2012). The effect of prosody on the acquisition of morphemes : an experimental study with German, Italian and German-Italian children. In Maria G. Busà & Antonio Stella (eds.), Methological Perspectives on Second Language Prosody (ML2P). Padova: CLEUP, 37-41. ManyBabies Consortium (in press). Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed speech preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. Pohl, M. & Grijzenhout J. (2009). The perception of laryngeal and length contrasts in stops by German infants and their parents. In Gilda M. Socarrás (ed.), Philological Explorations. Athens: Atiner, 31-46. Schönhuber, M., Czeke, N., Gampe, A. & Grijzenhout, J. (2019). Infant perception of VOT and closure duration contrasts. Journal of Phonetics 77. Weber, T., Schönhuber M. & Grijzenhout J. (2018). The prosody of yes/no-questions in German first language acquisition. Phonetik und Phonologie 13 (PundP). Berlin, Germany. Zahner, K. & Braun, B. (2018). F0 peaks are a necessary condition for German infants’ perception of stress in metrical segmentation. 17th Speech Science and Technology Conference (SST). Sydney, Australia. Zahner, K., Pohl, M., & Braun, B. (2015). Pitch accent distribution in German infant-directed speech. Interspeech. Dresden, Germany. Zahner, K., Schönhuber, M., & Braun, B. (2016). The limits of metrical segmentation: Intonation modulates the extraction of embedded trochees. Journal of Child Language, 43(6), 1338-1364. Zahner, K., Schönhuber, M., Grijzenhout, J., & Braun, B. (2016). Konstanz prosodically annotated infant-directed speech corpus (KIDS Corpus). 8th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Boston, MA. |
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