Unsere Veröffentlichungen und Abschlussarbeiten

Neueste Veröffentlichungen

Braun, B., Czeke, N., Rimpler, J., Zinn, C., Probst, J., Goldlücke, B., ... & Zahner-Ritter, K. (2021). Remote Testing of the Familiar Word Effect With Non-dialectal and Dialectal German-Learning 1–2-Year-Olds. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 714363.

ManyBabies Consortium (2020). Quantifying Sources of Variability in Infancy Research Using the Infant-Directed-Speech Preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 3(1). 24-52.

Bellinghausen C., Betz S., Zahner K., Sasdrich A., Schröer M., Schröder B. (2019). Disfluencies in German adult- and infant-directed speech. 1st International Seminar on the Foundations of Speech - Breathing, pausing, and voice. Sønderborg, Denmark.

Schönhuber, M., Czeke, N., Gampe, A. & Grijzenhout, J. (2019). Infant perception of VOT and closure duration contrasts. Journal of Phonetics 77.

Zahner, K. (2019). The effect of pitch accent type on the perception of lexical stress: Evidence from German infants and adults. University of Konstanz dissertation.


Artikel in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften, Sammelbänden und Konferenzschriften

Braun, B., Pohl M. & Zahner K. (2014). Speech segmentation is modulated by peak alignment: Evidence from German 10-month-olds. 7th International Conference on Speech Prosody. Dublin, Ireland.

Braun, B. & Zahner, K. (2018). The distribution and prosodic realization of verb forms in German Infant-Directed Speech. 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Miyazaki, Japan.

Gwinner, A., Gaglia, S. & Grijzenhout, J. (2012). The effect of prosody on the acquisition of morphemes : an experimental study with German, Italian and German-Italian children. In Maria G. Busà & Antonio Stella (eds.), Methological Perspectives on Second Language Prosody (ML2P). Padova: CLEUP, 37-41.

ManyBabies Consortium (in press). Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed speech preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science.

Pohl, M. & Grijzenhout J. (2009). The perception of laryngeal and length contrasts in stops by German infants and their parents. In Gilda M. Socarrás (ed.), Philological Explorations. Athens: Atiner, 31-46.

Schönhuber, M., Czeke, N., Gampe, A. & Grijzenhout, J. (2019). Infant perception of VOT and closure duration contrasts. Journal of Phonetics 77.

Weber, T., Schönhuber M. & Grijzenhout J. (2018). The prosody of yes/no-questions in German first language acquisition. Phonetik und Phonologie 13 (PundP). Berlin, Germany.

Zahner, K. & Braun, B. (2018). F0 peaks are a necessary condition for German infants’ perception of stress in metrical segmentation. 17th Speech Science and Technology Conference (SST). Sydney, Australia.

Zahner, K., Pohl, M., & Braun, B. (2015). Pitch accent distribution in German infant-directed speech. Interspeech. Dresden, Germany.

Zahner, K., Schönhuber, M., & Braun, B. (2016). The limits of metrical segmentation: Intonation modulates the extraction of embedded trochees. Journal of Child Language, 43(6), 1338-1364.

Zahner, K., Schönhuber, M., Grijzenhout, J., & Braun, B. (2016). Konstanz prosodically annotated infant-directed speech corpus (KIDS Corpus). 8th International Conference on Speech Prosody, Boston, MA.


Einfeldt, M. (2021). Developing sound systems in trilingual first language acquisition (Standard German, Swiss German and Italian) – The acquisition of consonant inventories, stops and gemination. University of Konstanz dissertation.

Gwinner, A. (2015). Early Language Acquisition and the Prosody-Morphology Interface : A Perception and Production Study with German and German-Italian Children. University of Konstanz dissertation.

Pohl, M. (2011). The perception of laryngeal and length contrasts in early language acquisition. University of Konstanz dissertation.

Zahner, K. (2019). The effect of pitch accent type on the perception of lexical stress: Evidence from German infants and adults. University of Konstanz dissertation.

Konferenzbeiträge der letzten 5 Jahre (Auswahl)

Czeke, N., Zahner, K., Rimpler, J., Braun, B. & Frota, S. (2019). German infants do not to discriminate Portuguese rising vs. falling contours. 4th Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD), Potsdam, Germany.

Grijzenhout G. & Lindauer M. (2019). How young heritage language speakers acquire Dutch “de/het” and German “der/die/das”. Mehrsprachigkeit in Konstanz, Europa und der Welt, Tagung zum 5-jährigen Jubiläum des Zentrums für Mehrsprachigkeit (Multilingualism in Konstanz, Europe and the World, conference on the occasion of the 5-year anniversary of the Centre for Multilingualism), Konstanz, Germany.

Kiefer, L., Zahner-Ritter, K., Hölzl, K., Warchhold, S., & Braun, B. (2022, June 9-11). How dialectal variability affects early word form recognition - Testing mono- and bi-varietal children via an App [Poster presentation]. 5th Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD), San Sebastian, Spain.

Lindauer, M. (2017a). Methodological issues in eliciting German function words and lexical stress in bilingual and monolingual children’s productions. Elizitationsverfahren in der Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung, Münster, Germany.

Lindauer, M. (2017b). Factors influencing the acquisition of German by bilingual children. Poster presented at the 5th International Winterschool Speech Perception and Production. Learning and Memory, Chorin, Germany.

Lindauer, M. (2018). The acquisition of German by bilingual children: Language exposure, grammatical and prosodic development. Perspectives on heritage languages and minority languages: Language contact, maintenance and change, Leiden, The Netherlands.

Weber, T., Grijzenhout J. & Schönhuber M. (2017). Intonation of polar questions produced by 2.5- to 4-year-olds. Processing prosody across languages, varieties, and nativeness (ProPro), Tübingen, Germany.

Zahner, K. (2018). Pitch accent type affects stress perception in German: Evidence from infant and adult speech processing. Prosodic variation across languages: The state-of-the-art in comparative prosodic research, Leiden, The Netherlands.

Zahner, K. (2019a). The effect of pitch accent type on German infants’ stress perception: Summing up. 4th Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD 2019), Potsdam, Germany.

Zahner, K. (2019b). The effect of pitch accent type on stress processing: Towards unraveling the underlying mechanisms. Phonetic Colloquium, University of Cologne, Germany.

Zahner, K., Schönhuber, M., Grijzenhout, J. & Braun, B. (2017). How pitch accent type affects stress perception in German infants. Symposium on "Prosody in Early Language Acquisition", International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL), Lyon, France.

Abschlussarbeiten der letzten 3 Jahre

Baader, H. (2022). Mono- und simultan-bilingualer Wortschatzerwerb von Kindern im Vergleich – Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel deutscher und deutsch-französischer Grundschulkinder. University of Konstanz M.Ed. thesis.

Behrens-Zemek, H. (2021). Automatische Klassifikation von Vokalen als dialektal vs. nicht-dialektal. University of Konstanz BA thesis.

Busse, K. (2019). Stimmqualitäts-Unterschiede in kindgerichteter Sprache im Vergleich zu erwachsenengerichteter Sprache. University of Konstanz BA thesis.

Carabantes, L. M. (2023). Entwicklung des mentalen Lexikons im bilingualen Spracherwerb. University of Konstanz BA thesis.

Golomb, J. (2022). Die Bedeutung der Intonation in ‚semantisch leeren‘ Einwort-Äußerungen. University of Konstanz BA thesis.

Höllinger, S. (2018). Die Klassifizierung sprachlicher Defizite von Kindern im multilingualen Kontext. University of Konstanz BA thesis.

Kiefer, L. (2022). Beeinflusst Dialekt den Spracherwerb? Lexikalische Repräsentationen bei dialektalen und nicht-dialektalen Kleinkindern. University of Konstanz BA thesis.

Pelzer, R. (2018). Der Einfluss des Russischen auf den Erwerb der deutschen DP. Artikelauslassungen bei deutsch-russischen Kindern. University of Konstanz BA thesis.

Rohrer, T. A. (2018). Phonologische Auffälligkeiten bei Late Talkern und die Relevanz frühkindlicher Diagnostik. University of Konstanz BA thesis.

Scherb, V. (2022). Code-Switching innerhalb der kindgerichteten Sprache – Mögliche Faktoren für den Wechsel zwischen Dialekt und Standard. University of Konstanz BA thesis.