Department and Research Colloquium

Summer term 2024
Thursdays 11:45-13:15 in room G 307 if not otherwise specified

Date Speaker Title
18.04 Eniko Ladanyi
(Universität Potsdam)
The relationship of grammar development with musical rhythm abilities in children
25.04 Tommi Buder-Gröndahl
(University of Helsinki)
Linguistic representations in large language models: Some foundational problems
02.05 Raphael Berthele
(Universität Fribourg)
On predispositions for language learning: Multi-variable explorations of children and adults
16.05 Pat Strycharczuk
(University of Manchester)
Reconciling spatial and dynamic aspects of vowel variation and change
23.05 Joel C. Wallenberg
(University of York)
Syntactic Planning and Informational Risk
06.06 Markus Steinbach, Cornelia Ebert
(Universität Göttingen and Universität Frankfurt)
­A special kind of lexical expressions - iconic word classes in spoken and sign languages

PhD students Talk
Marina Rossi

David Diem

Exploring the Role of Rhythm Processing in Developmental Dyslexia: Unraveling the Relationship with Phonological Abilities

Verb (and other) doubling in Alemannic

27.06 Marika Lekakou
(University of Ioannina)

What is expletive about doubly negative contexts in Modern Greek?

04.07 Esther Rinke
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Clitic doubling in different varieties of Spanish: Corpus data and experimental evidence

PhD students Talk
Ilaria Venagli

Anna Gupta

How learning L2 English affects reading strategies and reading-related cognitive abilities in Italian learners with and without dyslexia

The role of morpho-phonological processes in the recognition of complex words in German: Evidence from behavioural and electrophysiological research