18.04 | Eniko Ladanyi (Universität Potsdam) | The relationship of grammar development with musical rhythm abilities in children |
25.04 | Tommi Buder-Gröndahl (University of Helsinki) | Linguistic representations in large language models: Some foundational problems |
02.05 | Raphael Berthele (Universität Fribourg) | On predispositions for language learning: Multi-variable explorations of children and adults |
16.05 | Pat Strycharczuk (University of Manchester) | Reconciling spatial and dynamic aspects of vowel variation and change |
23.05 | Joel C. Wallenberg (University of York) | Syntactic Planning and Informational Risk |
06.06 | Markus Steinbach, Cornelia Ebert (Universität Göttingen and Universität Frankfurt) | A special kind of lexical expressions - iconic word classes in spoken and sign languages |
13.06 | PhD students Talk Marina Rossi David Diem
| Exploring the Role of Rhythm Processing in Developmental Dyslexia: Unraveling the Relationship with Phonological Abilities Verb (and other) doubling in Alemannic |
27.06 | Marika Lekakou (University of Ioannina) | What is expletive about doubly negative contexts in Modern Greek? |
04.07 | Esther Rinke (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) | Clitic doubling in different varieties of Spanish: Corpus data and experimental evidence |
11.07 | PhD students Talk Ilaria Venagli Anna Gupta | How learning L2 English affects reading strategies and reading-related cognitive abilities in Italian learners with and without dyslexia The role of morpho-phonological processes in the recognition of complex words in German: Evidence from behavioural and electrophysiological research |